Check out the fourth episode of our web-supershort cartoon series called “After School Detention!” It follows two Ohio girls in high school— as they describe why they’re in detention every week. This week we see how someone can end up in detention without a shred of evidence.
Here is the second episode of our web-supershort cartoon series called “After School Detention!” It follows two Ohio girls in high school— as they describe why they’re in detention every week. This week we find out how inappropriate South Bass Island can be!
We’ve started a new web-short cartoon series called “After School Detention!” It follows two Ohio girls in high school— as they describe why they’re in detention every week. It is so much fun to bring you cool Ohio-centered content and to provide outlets for artists! Much love to each of you and we hope you enjoy!
Follow Us on Spotify!
We have started a new Home and Bones Spotify Playlist series! The Urban Collection is live now!
We are showcasing some of the best music created by Ohio artists/producers! Email us to have a track considered!
Today is the first official day of spring! The spring season’s first day each year (Equinox) marks the point when the length of day and night are approximately equal everywhere on Earth.
This year Ohio’s winter seemed to start pretty late. I am no Andre Bernier— but I came to this conclusion when there was no snow in Cleveland on Christmas Day. For the last few weeks, it’s gone from tundra to tropical and I can’t seem to dress accordingly.
Do I wear my Scioto Navy beanie with my Columbus Blue Jackets hoodie? Or a Wine Rustbelt hat with my Cleveland Cavalier’s jersey? Maybe there is some fashion-forward configuration that will let me wear it all.
The Journey
Multimedia artist, JT Gallery– (@iamjtgallery) has been helping out the Home and Bones brand since the beginning. His images created the look and the feel of the brand that we have come to know today. He has helped us become more than the “Ohio with Crossbones” company. JT Gallery caught up with Jesty Beatz to spotlight our new Put-In-Bay special edition hat style.
Check out The Journey
The video features Jesty Beatz- Can’t Run Out of Love (B3CK Remix) which you can stream here. Jesty is walking along the coast while wearing the Put-In-Bay Jet hat. The hat is manufactured using a limited number of vintage hats, so be sure to get your while you can. Once they sell out, there is no guarantee that we will be able to track down the hats again! The video was directed, shot and edited by JT Gallery.
Check out more of JT GALLERY’s work here.
Here at Home and Bones, we are speechless. After the holidays and entering into 2016– we are almost sold out of hats! We only have 2 Scioto Crimson hats left. That’s it. All the other hats have been sold and are being enjoyed by Ohioans all over the world. We are grateful for your support and for your enthusiasm. We think that we’re on to something special, and hope you do too. We are currently restocking. Thank you again!
The Beginning
Home is where it starts. Home shapes your relationships and your perspective of the world. Home serves as the foundation for who you are. Home supports you wherever you go. Home is in our bones. Whether Ohio is your current home, or simply where you began your journey –it is with great pleasure that Home and Bones proudly presents it’s flagship “Cuyahoga” line.
Published today, this 25-page report charts just how The Blonde Salad turns so much profit — and how others can learn from Ferragni’s success. Check out our major takeaways below — for more tips, you can buy a copy of the study for $14 from the Harvard Business Review.
When it comes to building a career as a fashion blogger, there’s no better business role model than Chiara Ferragni. Since launching The Blonde Salad as a personal style blog back in 2009, the 27-year-old has expanded her team to 16 people, inked partnerships with luxury brands like Burberry and Dior